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Mood boards to help you find your style

Wedding Mood Boards

Here at Lily and Jack's Paper Studio, we absolutely love mood boards! Having created a few (well i say a few... more like 5!) for my own wedding, mood boards are a great way to showcase innovative designs, experiment with colour combinations and is a really helpful tool to visually communicate the essence of your design. Mood boards help you put together a wedding 'look' by collating images that you have seen that inspire you. Whether they are taken off wedding blogs online, cut out of wedding magazines or Pinterest, by creating a mood board, all your favourite pictures can be captured in to one place.

Secret Woodland Wedding Invitation Mood Board

- Rustic mood board based around the Secret Woodland wedding invitation. Rustic styling never gets boring. Natural, laid back but still classy.

Mood boards are also a great way of communicating your vision to various suppliers ranging from stationers to florists, which avoids misinterpretation that could arise from relying on words alone. Particularly for bespoke wedding invitation design, Lily and Jack's Paper Studio encourage customers to create mood boards to capture the ideas they have for their wedding day. so we can work with you in creating your ultimate wedding stationery. Alternatively, we are happy to put together one for you based around the ideas you already have.

Violet Wedding Invitation Mood Board

- The Violet design. Romantic shades of purple and hints of green, this design is set for a elegant, romantic, laidback affair.

If you’re the creative type, or you have no idea on what colour scheme or theme to have running through your wedding, then why not have a go at making a wedding mood board yourself! Remember, your mood board is designed to be inspiring so don’t feel you can only include images of weddings – images such as patterns and everyday items you find in your home or outside can help to capture the essence of your day. Go on - bring to life the visions you have!

With such a diverse range of wedding stationery designs, we have out together our very own mood boards as examples - you never know, one of these may inspire you for your own wedding day!

Allium Wedding Invitation

- The Allium design is very graceful with a classic and romantic feel. Combining shades of dusky blues, greys and white, this stationery will work well for a wedding at any time of the year.

Langdale Wedding Invitation

- The Langdale design. Taking inspiration from hills and mountains and the outside in general!

All images taken from Pinterest (a marvellous source of inspiration!) apart from the stationery which are ours (of course!)

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